Sunday, October 31, 2010

OCTOBER 31 // 2010

You're probably already headed to a party or Rocky Horror screening or some such thing, but if you're out and about and want to hit up the coolest show of the evening:

Fucked Up with The Sadies
@ The Garrison 
$door, probably cheap!

I can't tell you how many times I've seen this band live - they do, uh, live here after all - but I've never, ever been disappointed. Probably the most fun you're going to have at a live show, ever. Seriously. Plus, they tour like fiends, so you international folk will probably get a chance to see them if you haven't already, fear not! So throw on a costume and head on down Dundas and hit this one up.


  1. hehe, the vocalist seems very violent

  2. Cool stuff, would be nice to go to Toronto

  3. cool, you have suck a great time there.

  4. They seem like they would be fun to see live.

  5. I know I've already posted this here, but damn Toronto's live scene holds it down

  6. Yet let me obtain my wish. Following!

  7. In Antiochus and his daughter you have heard Following!

  8. Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back and we'll talk about it.


    Joel Houston
